
Community Appreciation and Bonding

Invite-only free private events for community members to practice loving kindness, experience togetherness, and bond with each other in respectful and meaningful ways. Attend any Wellness with Audrey T, LLC event to receive an invitation.

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Veranstalter von Community Appreciation and Bonding
Audrey’s calling is to help you tap into your mind and body connection. This drive stems from her own personal lifelong learning journey to heal from childhood trauma and find joy.Before becoming a wellness practitioner, Audrey worked for over a decade at the intersections of technology, experiential learning, psychology, and human-centered product design. She built experiences that taught people technical and behavioral skills to thrive in a challenging world, and coached teams through change. As an ex-Linkedin content producer and Amazon product manager, Audrey understands how difficult it is to be mindful of and care for ourselves in a fast-changing and distracting world. Audrey holds a Master of Education in Technology & Innovation from Harvard and she is a yoga teacher and transformative life coach.