Cross-sectoral Dialogues on Digital Cooperation

Cross-sectoral Dialogues on Digital Cooperation

DIALOGUE 4. ON USING (BIG) DATA Making Data User-Friendly

Par Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations Office in Geneva

Date et heure

mer. 14 oct. 2020 06:00 - 08:30 PDT


En ligne

À propos de cet évènement

The International Telecommunication Union - ITU, the World Economic Forum - WEF, the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations in Geneva and the Geneva Internet Platform - in cooperation with host organisations and other supporting organisations - have the pleasure to invite you to the Fourth Dialogue of the Cross-sectoral Dialogues on Digital Cooperation

Wednesday October 14, 2020 at 15h00 - O N L I N E

In preparation of the UN World Data Forum 2021, that will take place in Bern - Switzerland in October 2021 (postponed by one year) and as a way to enhance the role of International Geneva in digital cooperation, a series of Cross-sectoral Dialogues on Digital Cooperation are organized during the year 2020. By addressing the collection, protection, sharing, and use of data, in a manner that respects privacy and that ultimately accelerates the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, the Cross-sectoral Dialogues will pave the way of the Road to Bern via Geneva. These Dialogues are intended to deliver the Geneva contribution to UN World Data Forum. The cross-cutting and interactive discussions of the Dialogues allow to combine the experience of different sectors while enlarging the perspective on digital cooperation. Dialogue 1. on data Collection was held in February 2020, Dialogue 2. on data Protection in April and Dialogue 3. on data Sharing in May 2020.

We are looking forward to your participation and contribution to the fourth leg of this policy and knowledge journey which should help all of us in Geneva and beyond to prepare the Geneva contribution.


You are kindly invited to register for Dialogue 4. no later than October 9, 2020.

The e-link to join Dialogue 4. will only be sent to registered participants. To foster interactive discussions and fruitful exchanges, the number of participants is limited. It is therefore recommended to register on time.

For more information on the Dialogues, visit :

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