LakeChill + Aperols w Girls

LakeChill + Aperols w Girls

Enjoy summer social by the lake with Zurich Girls over Aperols

Von Elza

Datum und Uhrzeit

So. 23. Juni 2024 16:00 - 19:00 CEST



138 Bellerivestrasse 8008 Zürich Switzerland


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Zu diesem Event

  • 3 Stunden

LakeChill + Aperols w Girls

Come join us for a perfect afternoon by the lake! Unwind with chill vibes and Aperol Spritz in hand. This event is all about good company.

Gather with girls and let's have a blast together!

Additional info:

  • The event is ONLY for girls, 20-30ish
  • It's happening outdoors at Blatterwiese, starting 4pm
  • Please bring mats/ blankets for comfortable sitting (= sharing is caring)
  • Aperols will be provided for those getting Aperol Package
  • There will be ice breakers and games to make socializing easier
  • Swimming? Yes, you can (but don't have to)

PlayHard is a serial organizer of events for Girls in Zurich. Whether it's a girls night, stretching mixer or lake chill, all of the events are aimed at giving space to build YOUR community and make long-lasting frienships. So at the events you'll meet people like you who are open to connecting.

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