
3/12/24 - Flavors of Sicily

Join us for a night of sensory delight, where Sicily’s magic unfolds on your palate, promising an unforgettable celebration of life, love, and the timeless charm of Sicilian cuisine.

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  • Hauptbild für 3/12- International Drive, Florida - Flavors of Sicily

    3/12- International Drive, Florida - Flavors of Sicily

    Tue, Mar 12, 7:00 PM

    Ab $0.00

  • Hauptbild für 3/12- Troy, MI- Flavors of Sicily

    3/12- Troy, MI- Flavors of Sicily

    Tue, Mar 12, 7:00 PM

    Ab $0.00

  • Hauptbild für 3/12- Tampa, FL- Flavors of Sicily

    3/12- Tampa, FL- Flavors of Sicily

    Tue, Mar 12, 7:00 PM

    Ab $0.00


Veranstalter von 3/12/24 - Flavors of Sicily
We passionately believe that food and wine hold the power to forge lasting connections, setting the table for a life well lived. We invite you to join us for an experience filled with memorable moments built upon food, wine, and friendship. Cheers!