

18 Anhänger

学习正念可以增强身心健康,减轻压力,并且有利于疏缓个人焦虑不安的情绪包括愤怒、恐惧等. 这正念课程是跟据MBSR(正念减压)而编制的。MBSR是于1979年在美国麻省大学(University of Massachusetts) 正念中心研发,由Dr Jon Kabat Zinn乔·卡巴金博士开始教导。

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    正念·活在当下 (中文线上课程)- Mindfulness - 10月28日

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    Ab $0.00

  • Hauptbild für 正念·活在当下 (中文线上课程)- Mindfulness - 9月2日

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    正念·活在当下 (中文线上课程)- Mindfulness - 8月5日

    Sat, Aug 5, 8:00 PM GMT+8

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Veranstalter von 正念
Ong Pee Eng is a qualified mindfulness trainer. He teaches mindfulness practices to reduce stress and improve well-being. He conducts mindfulness workshops, 4 to 8 weeks mindfulness courses, 6 to 10 weeks children mindfulness classes, and 1-on-1 meditation sessions.He started practising mindfulness while studying at NUS more than 30 years ago. After graduating, he went to work in the IT industry. He was a software project manager for 20 years. More than a decade ago, he hit a midlife crisis due to a reorganisation within the company. He ramped up his mindfulness practice, which tided him over that stressful period. Married with two young adult daughters, mindfulness has made him less likely to flare up at his daughters at home. Now he trains people in mindfulness practice full-time.His interest in evidence-based teaching led him to pursue further training and become- Qualified Teacher of the 8-week MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) program from the University of Massachusetts (UMASS), Center for Mindfulness (USA)- Certified Teacher of Koru Mindfulness program (USA) for young adults ( age 19-29)- Certified Teacher of Paws b (age 7-11) and .b (age 11-18) children mindfulness programs from the Mindfulness in School Project (MiSP) (UK)- Certified ACTA trainer under Singapore WSQ