
NPPF prospectus spring 2023

A collection of six roadshows to showcase the proposed changes to the NPPF, and to think about what the mean for councils and their local plans.

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  • Hauptbild für NPPF prospectus roadshow: Manchester

    NPPF prospectus roadshow: Manchester

    Thu, Feb 23, 10:00 AM


  • Hauptbild für NPPF prospectus roadshow: Newcastle

    NPPF prospectus roadshow: Newcastle

    Tue, Feb 21, 10:00 AM


  • Hauptbild für NPPF prospectus roadshow: London

    NPPF prospectus roadshow: London

    Thu, Feb 16, 10:00 AM



Veranstalter von NPPF prospectus spring 2023
We run a range of events for local authority planners. Often our events are subsidised by Government which means we have to be quite strict about who is allowed to sign up. If in doubt - ask us!