Tech Ignite 2024: Online Networking & Growth

Tech Ignite 2024: Online Networking & Growth

Join Scale Up 2024: Where Tech-Founders network, learn, and scale. Introduce yourself, connect, and find solutions for growth. #TechGrow

By TechScaleUp Community

Select date and time




6:30 PM - 6:35 PM

Event Introduction

Kickstart your Scale Up 2024 journey with a comprehensive overview of the event. Discover what lies ahead, the objectives, and how you can maximize your participation to fuel your startup's growth.

6:35 PM - 6:50 PM

30-Second Spotlights

Each attendee gets a swift 30-second slot to introduce themselves, highlighting their name, startup's essence, role, and objectives. It's a prime opportunity to set the stage for potential collaborat...

6:50 PM - 7:25 PM

Breakout rooms

Post-introductions, dive into breakout rooms for targeted discussions and deeper connections. Exchange contact details, explore collaboration opportunities, and engage in meaningful conversations tai...

7:25 PM - 7:30 PM

Closing words & Event end

Export the event chat and make sure you have the contact details of all people you want to stay in touch.

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour

    Dive into Scale Up 2024, the pivotal event for Tech Founders ready to escalate their growt starting the very first time. This isn't just an event; it's a platform where you're not just attending but actively engaging, connecting, and forging paths for your startup's future amidst peers and industry sages.

    Who's It For?

    This event is crafted for Tech Founders who are in the thick of scaling, eager to:

    • Forge connections with peers in similar growth stages.
    • Gain actionable insights and strategies for scaling up.
    • Explore partnerships, opportunities, and innovative solutions.

    Your 30-Second Spotlight:

    Start the event with a swift introduction, setting the stage for deep connections:

    1. Identity: Your name and your startup's roots.
    2. Role: Your pivotal role in your enterprise.
    3. Offering: The core value your startup delivers.
    4. Aspirations: What you aim to gain from Scale Up 2024.

    This introduction is your gateway to targeted networking and meaningful exchanges.

    Deep Dive Connections:

    Post-introductions, we'll transition into breakout rooms, enabling you to exchange contact information and engage in deeper conversations with fellow founders. This segment is the heart of Scale Up 2024, providing you the invaluable opportunity to build a network with potential partners, mentors, and collaborators who truly understand the nuances of scaling in the tech space.

    Why Attend?

    • Purposeful Networking: Kick off with strategic introductions, leading to in-depth discussions in breakout rooms.
    • Insights from the Frontlines: Learn from those who've been in your shoes, offering relatable, actionable guidance.
    • Interactive Workshops: Tackle real challenges with practical workshops, leaving with tools and strategies you can apply immediately.
    • Solutions and Partnerships: Uncover potential collaborations and services that can catalyze your growth journey.
    • Visibility and Feedback: Present your vision, gaining feedback and possibly igniting interest from potential backers.

    Event Highlights:

    • Enlightening keynotes illuminating the path of scaling.
    • Panel discussions delving into essential aspects of growth, from market strategies to maintaining agility.
    • Breakout sessions focused on creating lasting connections and exchanging valuable contact info.
    • A relaxed networking event to build bonds with potential collaborators and supporters.

    Register Now: Don't miss out on Scale Up 2024, where your introduction can lead to a breakthrough connection, and where being among like-minded founders can redefine your growth trajectory. It's not just an event; it's your next big leap in the B2B tech landscape.

    Frequently asked questions

    What can I expect to gain from attending Scale Up 2024?

    At Scale Up 2024, you'll gain invaluable insights into scaling your Tech startup, connect with peers and industry experts, and discover actionable strategies and tools for growth. The breakout rooms offer a unique opportunity to exchange contact information and engage in deeper conversations wit

    Who should attend Scale Up 2024?

    The event is specifically designed for Tech Founders who are in the growth stage of their business. If you're looking to connect with like-minded entrepreneurs, learn from experienced industry leaders, and find solutions to scaling challenges, this event is for you.

    What are the networking opportunities at the event?

    Beyond the structured introductions and breakout rooms for deeper engagement, Scale Up 2024 includes a networking gala and various interactive sessions. These settings provide ample opportunities to connect, share ideas, and build relationships with other attendees.

    How can I ensure I make the most out of the breakout rooms?

    To maximize your experience in the breakout rooms, have your contact information ready to share and be prepared to discuss your startup in more detail. Be open to asking and answering questions, and actively listen to others to identify potential synergies and opportunities for collaboration.

    Theme of the Breakout Rooms

    Discuss current challenges in your scaling attempts and / or connect with fellow founders.

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