Joan Hung

Joan Hung is a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, ph360 Endorsed Health Coach. With knowledge and expertise across functional medicine, health coaching, Joan is committed to inspire and empower audiences to make informed decision and make positive sustainable changes in their lives. Her approach is by guiding individuals address the root causes of their health problems, develop personalized strategies and goals setting for lasting transformation to feel better and thrive.

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Image principale de Pain Management for TMJ - Stress Managment

Pain Management for TMJ - Stress Managment

Wed, May 29, 6:30 PM

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Image principale de Pain Management for TMJ - Stress Managment

Pain Management for TMJ - Stress Managment

Wed, May 29, 6:30 PM

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Joan Hung is a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, ph360 Endorsed Health Coach. With knowledge and expertise across functional medicine, health coaching, Joan is committed to inspire and empower audiences to make informed decision and make positive sustainable changes in their lives. Her approach is by guiding individuals address the root causes of their health problems, develop personalized strategies and goals setting for lasting transformation to feel better and thrive.


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Image principale de Pain Management for TMJ - Stress Managment

Pain Management for TMJ - Stress Managment

Wed, May 29, 6:30 PM

Vérifier le prix du billet sur l'événement

Image principale de Pain Management for TMJ - Stress Managment

Pain Management for TMJ - Stress Managment

Wed, May 29, 6:30 PM

Vérifier le prix du billet sur l'événement